MAPIC Academy Challenge

Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your retail concept to the next level!


RX France is a French company organised in the legal form of a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with a share capital of 90,000,000 €, having its registered office at 52 Quai de Dion Bouton 92800 Puteaux, France and is registered with the Nanterre Commerce and Companies Registry under the number 410 219 364. RX France is the official organiser of MAPIC 2024 tradeshow (hereafter “MAPIC”), taking place from 26 - 28 November, 2024 in Cannes, and of the related MAPIC ACADEMY 2024 held in Cannes and/or online during MAPIC (hereafter "The MAPIC ACADEMY").

The competition rules of the MAPIC ACADEMY (hereafter “Rules”) are detailed hereafter.


Item 1: Competition categories and eligibility requirements

MAPIC would like to actively participate in building the next generation of Retailers and aim to select 5 young retail brands and support them in their development through our network of mentors and partners as well as a financial compensation. 

Competition categories 

New retail brand
– This category has been created to guide and help companies willing to launch and operate new retail concept in physical spaces (clothing, people services, DIY, wellness, health & beauty….). New concepts with originality and strong social and environmental impact will be privileged.

New leisure concept - This category has been created to guide and help companies willing to launch and operate new leisure concept in physical spaces. New concepts based on entertainment, culture, sport, AR/VR, immersive experience… with originality and strong social and environmental impact will be privileged.

New food & beverage concept - This category has been created to guide and help companies willing to launch and operate new restaurant concept in physical spaces. New restaurant concepts with originality and strong social and environmental impact will be privileged.

Online retailer (from online to offline) - This category would include companies that have previously only sold products online but are now looking to expand into offline retail. These companies may have some experience with e-commerce but require help navigating the complex landscape of physical retail.

Sustainable and socially conscious new retail brand - This category would include companies that prioritize social responsibility and sustainability. These companies may require help navigating local laws and regulations and ensuring that their products are marketed and sold in a way that aligns with their values.

Criteria to take part in the MAPIC Academy Challenge



1. The candidate retail brand is less than 5 years old

2. The candidate retail brand does not yet have a physical location OR has a maximum of 1 physical location and wishes to develop his(her) concept in a physical location in a commercial space (shopping centre / outlet / retail park / department store / city centre commercial space)

3. Company already established with headquarters in one of the European countries


Non-qualifiers but will be considered to select the 5 Retail Concepts of the Mapic Academy 2024

4. The brand is original in its positioning, offer and growth potential

5. Corporate Social Responsibility impact


Item 2: MAPIC Academy 2024 Roadmap

  1. June: Launch of the competition. Young retail brands interested in participating in the challenge can apply through a dedicated platform to the competition and send their application file.
  2. September : Selection of 5 brands. A network of mentors in commercial real estate and brand development, partners of the initiative will select the 5 concepts from the applications received via the platform (we are aiming for about 50- 70 applications).  
  3. September 26th: Training and coaching. A one-day meet up between the network of mentors and the 5 selected brands will be held to walk them through the learning modules and will be followed by mentoring during the months to come.
  4. November 27th, Day 2 at MAPIC: Pitch your concept. The 5 selected brands will pitch their concept to a Jury from Nhood real estate company (42 rue de Paradis, 75010, Paris) and Ingka Centres (Ingka Centres Holding BV Bargelaan 20 2333CT Leiden, Netherlands) exclusive partners of the initiative. This session will be part of the MAPIC conference programme and will be open to the public who can assist to the pitch. 
    Awards Gala: And the winner is…The winner of the "MAPIC Academy 2024" promotion will be chosen by the Jury from Nhood real estate company and Ingka Centres following the pitching session and discussed in the meantime.


Item 3: Pre-entry form

Companies wishing to enter the competition must complete and submit one online pre-entry form per project, on the MAPIC ACADEMY web page (

RX France will verify each project’s eligibility and send a confirmation email.

Pre-entry forms must be completed in English and submitted online by July 31st, 2024.


Item 4: Final Entry form

If the submitted pre-entry meets the eligibility requirements for the next step of the competition, RX France will ask the entrants to complete and submit the final entry form and all required materials online by July 31st, 2024 on the MAPIC ACADEMY website (

Entry forms must be filled out in English .

Entrants expressly authorise RX France to use the information, related to the project, completed in the final entry form as well as the supporting materials, for communication purposes if needed.


Item 5: Entry Fees

Entering the competition if free of charge. 


Item 6: The selection process

All completed entries received by July 31st, 2024 will be submitted to the MAPIC ACADEMY network of mentors, an independent body of real estate professionals selected by RX France.

They will meet in September 2024 to review all the entries.

The jury can, in total independence, base its selection upon criterias defined at the paragraph “Criteria to take part in the MAPIC Academy Challenge”.

The jury reserves the right not to examine incomplete entries or entries that do not comply with the present rules.

The jury’s decision is final and will not have to be justified.


Item 7: Finalists and visual elements

Entrants will be informed of the results by email, shortly after the jury meeting.

5 Finalists will be selected.

Finalists will be asked to provide additional visuals that will be displayed through MAPIC marketing channels such as website, social media, email, onsite panels during the live event in Cannes. RX France reserves the right to choose which elements will be displayed and modify these elements if needed to guarantee the quality of the event.

Finalists accept that all project information, including photographs, videos and other materials provided, may be forwarded to third parties for the purposes of conducting the vote, organising the ceremony and promoting the MAPIC ACADEMY.

Finalists also certify and guarantee that they have been authorised to this end by potential co creators or third parties.

Finalists shall hold RX France harmless from and against any risk of claims or actions by third parties, both during and after the performance of the Competition on the grounds of an infringement of their rights, in particular as regards the intellectual property rights in the elements supplied by the Finalists under the terms of these Rules. To this end, the Finalists hereby agree to hold RX France harmless from and against any claim, of any kind whatsoever, issued by one of its employees, workers or third parties.

In the event that proceedings are issued against RX France, all duties, costs, fees and damages that it may be ordered to pay shall be borne by the Finalists only.

Finalists commit to provide RX France with the name of the photographer (photo credit).

Finalists warrant that they informed and obtained authorisations from their organisations for the process described below.

 Finalists and Entrants authorise RX France to:

  • photograph and make video or audio recordings of the MAPIC ACADEMY (hereinafter referred to as the "Recording") ;
  • broadcast, live or deferred, the Recording of the MAPIC ACADEMY on tangible or intangible media platforms, including media networks and the Internet (Facebook,YouTube or others).
  • adapt the Recording to be included within a compilation of other contents of MAPIC – notably for Continuing Professional Development purposes - and represent, reproduce, distribute and market the said compilation

For a period of five (5) years, for any informational, promotional, marketing and/or commercial purposes, Finalists and Entrants authorise RX France to : 

  • communicate the Recording on all tangible or intangible media known or unknown at this time, notably digital media and internet (in particular, the websites tradeshows and its partners and related promotional social media as YouTube branded channel, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other), and on any other promotional or marketing tool it may use, being specified that RX France will not be held liable for uses of whatever nature that may be made by web surfers of the Recording appearing on these websites


Item 8: Competition prizes

For the 5 Finalists of MAPIC Academy 2024 selected by the network of mentors

  1. Support from MAPIC network partners (as described with the learning modules)
  2. Visibility at MAPIC 2024:  
  • A desk in the Retail Village with 2 VIP entrances to the show (including accommodation);
  • On-site display, online promotion through the MAPIC communication channels to the retail real estate community (email, website, social media, PR...).

The jury, formed by several property players, clients of MAPIC and partners of the initiative, can select one or two winners among the five finalists.

In the event of one single winner of MAPIC Academy 2024, the gain will be:
  • 10 000€ (ten thousand Euros) offered by MAPIC to participate in its development.
  • 1 pop up stores inside one of the property assets owned by Nhood and 1 pop up stores inside one of the property assets owned by Ingka Centres, exclusive partners of the initiative (length and description will be communicated in a second stage on MAPIC academy website).

In the event of two winners of MAPIC Academy 2024, the gain will be:

  • 5 000€ (five thousand Euros) offered by MAPIC to each winner to participate in their development.
  • 1 pop up store per winner inside the property assets owned by the exclusives partners Nhood and Ingja Centres. The allocation of the pop-up stores will be decided by the jury only. (length and description will be communicated in a second stage on MAPIC academy website).


November 27th, 2024


Concept Pitch

The 5 selected concepts will pitch their projects to a Jury from Nhood and Ingka Centres, exclusive partners of the initiative. This session will be part of the MAPIC conference programme and will be open to the public who can assist to the pitch.

MAPIC Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner

The winner of the "MAPIC Academy 2024" promotion will be chosen by a Jury from Nhood and Ingka Centres, exclusive partners, following the pitching session and discussed in the meantime.

The winner will be announced at the MAPIC Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner, which will take place on 27 November, 2024 during MAPIC at the Palais des Festivals, Cannes.

If MAPIC is not physically held in Cannes, the MAPIC Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner shall be held online or postponed.

The ceremony will be photographed and recorded for the purposes of promoting the MAPIC ACADEMY, the winners, the finalists and their project(s). Winners and finalists authorise RX France and their representatives to (i) photograph and video and audio record the ceremony directly or indirectly, including their likenesses and voices, together with any elements related to their projects as mentioned under Items 4 and 7 above and to (ii) use the said photographs, projects contents and videos for the purpose of promoting RX France activities for 5 (five) years worldwide. Winners and finalists also certify and guarantee that they have been authorised to this end by their official representatives and any potential co-creators and third parties. 


Item 9: MAPIC attendance

If MAPIC is held physically, each finalist invited to MAPIC should send at least one official project representative to the MAPIC. The winner should attend the MAPIC Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner to collect their prize on stage shall they win.

If MAPIC is held virtually, each finalist must have at least one official project representative attending the ceremony online.

In both cases, all winners will be asked to make a short thank you speech.

In case of Finalists and winner unattendance to the ceremony, the Organiser may withdraw the prizes provided in Item 8.


Item 10: Force Majeure

In the event of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances resulting in the impossibility of organising MAPIC, the MAPIC ACADEMY ceremony will remain and be postponed or held virtually.

"Force Majeure" means any health, climate, economic, political or social situation at the local, national or international level: (i) which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of entering into the participation contract, (ii) which is beyond the control of the parties, and (iii) which precludes the performance of the parties' obligations, and, in particular, the holding of the event, or which poses a risk of disturbances likely to seriously affect the organisation and the smooth running of the event or the safety of persons and property. 


Item 11: Privacy

RX France collects entrants personal data by the present document or during participation of the event, (attended places or events, services operated). The data is processed by RX France for the purposes of caring out its contractual obligations (notably customer’s data base management, events, services and ticketing management, invoicing and cash collection management) and promoting its activity.

Such data is stored for a maximum duration of 5 years.

This personal data can be:

  • integrated into the online database available to Participants to enable them to prepare the event, promote their business and schedule their business appointments within the event. In this respect, Participants undertake not to use the data for any other purposes. RX France reserves the right to stop by any means any disturbance caused by any forbidden use of personal data;
  • transmitted to sub processors that have undertaken to comply with Data Protection Laws requirement such as companies belonging to the same group, in particular the companies of the RELX group, service providers and partners, who may be located outside the European Economic Area;
  • communicated to Participants, such as speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, who can be located outside the European Economic Area to carry out commercial prospecting;
  • used on all distribution and promotional media in connection with the relevant event including over the internet;
  • processed for distribution and promotional analysis (profiling, targeting).

As a data controller, RX France have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a manner that its processing of personal data meet the requirement of French and European Data Protection Laws and in particular GDPR. Entrants may exercise their right to access, obtain, correct and oppose the use of your personal data by fulfilling the form here to:


Item 12: Official rules

These official rules have been lodged with SCP LAMBERT, VAN DE KERCKHOVE, BERGER ET SACCONE, bailiff to the court: 15 Square Mérimée – BP 193- 06400 Cannes- FRANCE.  Any interested party may obtain a copy of these rules on written request to: RX



Item 13: Claims

Registering and competing for the MAPIC ACADEMY implies full acceptance of the present Rules. The Rules and the MAPIC ACADEMY are governed by French law. If no amicable settlement can be reached, any dispute arising in connection with the construction and/or performance of the Rules shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris, should no prior agreement be reached with RX France and SELARL LAMBERT ET ASSOCIES, VAN DE KERCKHOVE, BERGER ET SACCONE , 15 Square Mérimée – BP 193 – 06400 Cannes - FRANCE, depositary of these Rules..  


Francesco Pupillo MAPIC DIRECTOR